One of our reasons for coming to Maine was to attend the Oliver Rally in Boothbay since we did not attend the one in Alabama (a little too late in the season). We enjoyed our time here and hope to attend another future rally. Our rear window view! Our first lobster boil...we needed instruction :) Lamoine SP in Maine...a relaxing, quiet stay where we visited nearby Acadia NP and Bar Harbor. Wendy is finally old enough to get her senior lifetime National Parks Pass. We've been talking about this moment for many, many years. It happened in Acadia NP, Maine! Acadia hikes are wonderful :) The weather has been perfect for Lupines. Path obstacles abound... This is the visitor center for Thunder Hole. We stopped at this same structure 25 years ago with Wendy's parents and it has pretty much remained the same. Carved naturally out of the coastal rocks, waves have been battering this tiny inlet for centuries. Because there is a small cavern at the bottom of the inlet, the combination of the waves hitting the rocks and the release of air from the cavern cause a thunderous boom to happen. Travelers from all over the USA and parts of Canada flock to it – there are few things like it in the natural world. It is a natural manifestation of the ocean’s power. Thunder Hole. A trip through Bar Harbor...quite touristy and beautiful. A Maine Tasting center in Wiscasset, ME. On the way to our next campground we passed this restaurant under siege... we did not stop. Red Apple Farm is a Harvest Host CG, in Phillipston, Massachusetts, and was a fun stop for 1 night. We enjoyed live music and good pizza :) However the apples were not ripe ... rats! A one night stay at Conklin's Unique Country Store, a Harvest Host in Susquehanna, PA. Here in Dubois PA, we found Dolittle unusual tribute to times past. Time has not been kind to this place but here's a link to what it once was. These fellas persisted in protest of our visit...all night long :) This was a 2 night stop in Findlay SP, Wellington, OH. It's located 40 miles or so from Cleveland where Wendy's sister, Diane lives. This was a great stop for us as we got a chance to be with Diane and attend a baseball game. We then traveled on to Hilliard, OH, to camp outside the home of Wendy's youngest sister, Connie. This picture was taken at a favorite hangout of ours...Kingy's Pizza. (on our anniversary). We've been going to Kingy's for 41 years. It relocated to here many years ago. As usual we filled up on popcorn before the pizza came out. And Hannah and Charles also graced us with their presence :) Wish I had a picture of Hunter, she was there as well. Update...Update...Update... I did find a picture of Hunter (and Mom)
After leaving Cook Forest SP we stayed 1 night at the Red Newt Winery in Hector, NY. Nice and quiet here :) Then 1 night at Harvest Host Moonstone Farm and Forest at Saranac Lake, NY. And 1 night at Morse Farm Maple Sugar Works, a Harvest Host in East Montpelier, NH. Many tasty treats were enjoyed at this stay! Here in Umbagog Lake SP by Cambridge, NH. We stayed 5 nights but it rained so much we didn't do much of anything. You can see why we stayed here for a while... Dolly Copp National Forest in Gorham, NH. 6 nights here and we were introduced to the dreaded biting black flies. These buggers are cruel! They land with open jaws and bury their head deep into any unsuspecting victim. Quite a welt they make and itch for several days...grrrrrrrrrrr! Lots of hiking :) But, watch where you step... Fine dining with a view! This north east corridor through northern PA, NH, VT, and ME provided many of these opportunities...yum! We finally made it to Lubec, ME. Quite a change in weather. Our welcoming committee made us feel right at home :) Lubec Brewery is a quaint stop for us. They have live music on occasion. (Do not sit in Gene's chair!) Those wires above our table did a good job of keeping this fella from getting too close. Interested spectators await a misstep by Wendy :) While at Lubec, ME, we went to Roosevelt Campobello Island International Park, in New Brunswick, Canada. We hiked several miles and spent most of a day in the park. We found our truck cordoned off upon our return. Nice of them to leave us a way out :) Lobster traps galore! Pretty nice job of camaflouge.
December 2024
Spike says "Hi"
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